Gorgeous! I'm especially loving all the little details here, like the stardust texture on the blue of the clothes, and the flow of the hair. You filled the canvas space super well, too! There's no wasted corner in this piece. Awesome job!
Gorgeous! I'm especially loving all the little details here, like the stardust texture on the blue of the clothes, and the flow of the hair. You filled the canvas space super well, too! There's no wasted corner in this piece. Awesome job!
Thank you so much for your comment, I'm glad you like it :D
I love it! Clean lines, great fur tufts and crinkles on the clothing, and the eyes are perfect! They've got such a gem-like quality to them. Awesome job all around, here!
Such a clean piece, such a cute scene. There's so much to look at, and so many natural little details and differing textures. I could stare at this for hours ^^ Awesome job on everything here!
Beautiful piece! There's so much attention to detail, and the longer I look at it, the more I love. The texture of your lines for the sand dunes, the sandworm rearing up at the 'thopters, the balance of the moons in that silver-blue sky... I love every bit of it. The jagged edge of the cape and sheer accuracy of the stillsuit take my breath away too. Awesome to behold, keep up the great work!
Literally made my night to see this. The gritty texture and color palette is perfection, and I love your pencil-y lines. It feels so sandy and shojo at the same time! Best crossover, 10/10!
I see we've upgraded from a Lucario hairpiece to an Arceus hairpiece. Bold move. I'm seriously loving how clean all the linework and shading are, as well as that crisp, monochrome outfit. I know Cynthia normally wears all black, but the white really helps break up the layers a bit and show where everything's going. Awesome job overall!
Ahhh, so cute and chubby! I love the playful head-on-paws pose, and the spread wings show off that accent amazingly! Even the tiny little stars on the Starsilk apparel got so much detail and love put into them... All around, an excellently drawn Snap! Keep up the great work!
Wow, what a beauty! The lines, flats, shading, everything is just so crisp and clean here, with not a single wasted motion. I also know that Haunted Flame Collar is a pain in the neck to draw, so I'm super impressed by how excellently it layers up over the Spiral's curves. Cute, awesome, and I 10/10 want to boop the snoot. Keep up the amazing work!
Dude, I'm loving this Bog! The genes are all super spot-on, and the little handlebars on the Goat eyes is honestly a cool touch. Aside from that, I love the muscley, crinkly look of the body; you've really ramped the "chubby danger-gator" Bogsneak vibe up to eleven! Awesome job!
What a cutie! Nocturnes are honestly so hard to draw, but the way you handled their horns and wings is phenomenal! The genes impress me even more. I can recognize them all at a glance; the Noxtide blends so well, and the sharp crinkles are perfect? The Giraffe peters out into the light tail just right? And I love how you've outlined the Lace! It tends to vanish on a lot of dragons, but it's such a pretty gene. Genius move there!
Overall, this is a 10/10 happy dragon, and congrats for completing them! Keep up the awesome work!
A quirky writer/artist who both wields a brush and weaves a tale. Fueled by music and sugar.
Joined on 3/19/21